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Top 10 Places to Visit in Madina | Top 10 Madina Ziyarat | Best Madina Ziyarat In Saudi Arabia

All Muslims worldwide hold Madina, also known as Madinah, Medina, or Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, a very special place in their hearts. It is the second holiest city in Islam, after Makkah, and is well known for the last resting spot of the Prophet Muhammad.

This city is a genuine fortune of verifiable, profound, and social importance. In the event that you’re arranging a visit to Madina, here are the best 10 spots you should remember for your ziarat. We’ll talk about Madina Ziyarat’s must-see spots in this blog.

Madina is a stunning city that takes us back in time to learn about the early days of Islam and the life of our Prophet Muhammad. These main 10 Madina Ziyarat will give a rich and satisfying experience for hujjaj coming for a lifetime experience.

Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet’s Mosque):

The first Madina Ziyarat is Masjid An-Nabawi, also known as the Prophet’s Mosque, located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It holds immense significance in Islam as it was established by Prophet Muhammad himself shortly after his migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE.

Masjid An Nabawi served as the center of attraction for the Muslim community and played a vital role in the early development of Islamic teachings and practices.

Over the decades and centuries, it regularly underwent several minor and major expansions and renovations to accommodate the increasing number of pilgrims and worshippers.

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Jannat ul-Baqi

The Second famous Madina Ziyarat is Jannat ul Bqi, Also known as the Garden of Baqi, This cemetery holds the graves of as many as 10,000 of the Prophet’s family members and companions. It’s a place of reflection and a way to connect with Islamic history.

Jannat ul-Baqi contains the graves of many of the family members of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, including his beloved wife Aisha, his daughters Fatimah and Ruqayyah, and his grandchildren Hasan and Husayn and many Sahabas RA.

Many of Prophet Muhammad’s companions are also buried in Jannat al-Baqi, including Uthman ibn Affan RA, who was the third Caliph of Islam, and Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib RA, the Prophet’s uncle.

Uhud Mountain

Saudi Arabia’s Mount Uhud is a prominent mountain range near Medina.

Uhud holds astounding authentic importance in Islam because of the incomparable Skirmish of Uhud, which occurred in 625 CE. In this fight, the Muslims drove by Prophet Muhammad went head to head against the Meccan powers. The Muslims experienced both victories and defeats during the Battle of Uhud.

A mistake in strategy caused the Muslims to temporarily retreat during the battle, allowing the Meccans to win. However, when archers rushed to leave their positions on the mountain, the tide turned once more, triggering a surprise attack by the Meccan cavalry and subsequent chaos.

The Prophet Muhammad himself was harmed in the fight, and a few buddies were martyred. After regrouping, the Muslims were successful in capturing the Meccan forces. The Muslim community learned military tactics and obedience from the Battle of Uhud.

Mount Uhud stays an image of extraordinary penance and dauntlessness for Muslims, helping them to remember the difficulties looked by early devotees and the significance of staying consistent in their position. It is likewise a site of journey and reflection for those meeting Medina.

Masjid Bilal

Fourth Madina Ziyarat Masjid Bilal is a mosque located in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is named after Bilal ibn Rabah, a prominent companion of Prophet Muhammad and the first muezzin (caller to prayer) in Islam.

The mosque is situated near Mount Uhud and holds historical significance due to its association with Bilal and his contributions to early Islamic history.

Bilal ibn Rabah, an African slave who converted to Islam, played a pivotal role in the early Muslim community. He endured persecution and torture for his faith but remained steadfast in his beliefs. After the migration of Muslims to Medina.

Prophet Muhammad assigned Bilal the task of calling the adhan (call to prayer). Bilal’s powerful and melodious voice became synonymous with the call to prayer, and his legacy as a symbol of resilience and devotion endures to this day.

Masjid Bilal serves as a tribute to Bilal’s unwavering faith and his vital role in the spread of Islam. While this Masjid may not be as widely known as some other historical sites in Medina, it continues to honor the memory of Hazrat Bilal RA and provides a place of worship and reflection for Muslims visiting the city.

Quba Mosque

Fifth Madina Ziyarat Quba Mosque, located in Medina, Saudi Arabia, holds a special place in Islamic history as the first mosque ever built in Islam. Its establishment dates back to the early days of Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE, known as the Hijra.

The Prophet, along with his companion Abu Bakr, arrived in Quba, a village near Medina, and there they laid the foundation for the Quba Mosque.

The construction of the Quba Mosque was an act of a need for a Masjid even if Muslims were staying there for only a couple of days. Prophet Muhammad himself actively participated in its construction, highlighting its importance.

He would visit the mosque frequently, and it became a center for prayers, gatherings, and community interactions.

The Quba Mosque also holds spiritual significance in Islamic tradition. It is mentioned in a Hadith (narration of the Prophet’s sayings and actions) that performing two units of prayer (Rak’ah) in the Quba Mosque is equivalent to performing an Umrah pilgrimage.

Qiblatain Mosque

Sixth Madina Ziyarat Masjid Qiblatain, meaning the “Mosque of the Two Qiblas,” is located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is historically significant in Islam due to a pivotal event that occurred during the time of Prophet Muhammad.

Originally, Muslims used to pray facing the direction of Jerusalem (known as the First Qibla).

However, during one of his prayers in the early days of his mission, Prophet Muhammad received a revelation from Allah instructing him to change the direction of prayer (Qibla) to face the Kaaba in Mecca. This event marked a shift in the religious practices of Muslims.

Masjid Qiblatain was built at the location where Prophet Muhammad received this divine revelation to change the Qibla. The mosque’s architecture incorporates two prayer niches (mihrabs) to symbolize the two Qiblas.

This unique aspect of the mosque serves as a reminder of the transition from the initial Qibla to the current one in Mecca.

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Beer e Roha

Seventh Madina Ziyarat Beer e Roha, situated near Ar-Rawha Valley, holds a mystical aura due to its association with significant historical incidents. Initially, the well’s water was brackish and undrinkable.

Upon learning of this, Prophet Mohammad intervened by spitting into the well, miraculously transforming its properties and rendering it potable. Over time, Beer e Roha has gained prominence among both history enthusiasts and devout Muslims.

It has emerged as a popular destination for tourists seeking to embrace Saudi Arabia’s enchanting past and spiritual essence. Pilgrims often visit this revered well, not only to witness its healing capabilities but also to draw water as a tangible connection to the miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Beer e Shifa

Eigth Madina Ziyarat’s “Beer e Shifa,” which translates to the “Well of Healing,” is a place of historical and spiritual significance in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Beer e Shifa is famous for its association with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his remarkable actions.

In the past, the water from the well of Beer e Shifa was known to have healing properties, and it became a source of comfort and remedy for those seeking physical and spiritual well-being. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recognized and endorsed the well’s healing attributes, allowing people to benefit from its waters.

Over time, Beer e Shifa has remained a destination of solace and hope for individuals in search of healing and blessings.


Ninth Madina Ziyarat The Battle of Badr was a significant event in the early history of Islam that took place on the 17th of Ramadan in the second year after the Hijra (migration) of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina.

The battle occurred near the wells of Badr, a location that was strategically important for trade routes. The Muslim community, numbering around 313, faced a much larger army of around 1,000 soldiers from the Quraysh tribe of Mecca.

Despite being outnumbered and with very limited resources, the Muslims achieved a decisive victory at the Battle of Badr. This victory is referred to as victory given by Allah Almighty with the help of angels.

The Battle of Badr holds a central place in Islamic history as a symbol of faith, perseverance, and the fulfillment of God’s promise to the believers. It is commemorated annually by Muslims during the month of Ramadan.


Last Madina Ziyarat The Battle of Khandaq, also known as the Battle of the Trench, was a significant event in Islamic history that took place in the year 627 CE, during the time of Prophet Muhammad in Medina.

The battle was a response to a coalition of various tribes, led by the Quraysh of Mecca, who sought to attack and defeat the Muslim community in Medina.

In preparation for the impending attack, the Muslims, under the guidance of Prophet Muhammad, dug a defensive trench around Medina to protect the city from the approaching enemy forces.

The Battle of Khandaq is famous for the strategy for how the trench was dug, which proved to be the best defense against the superior numbers of the Quraish army. Despite a large number of opposite armies, Muslims still managed to get the victory.

The battle marked another significant moment of triumph and resilience for the early Muslim community. It showcased the importance of why strategy is so important in any war.

The Battle of Khandaq serves as a lesson in cooperation, resourcefulness, and faith for Muslims. It underscores the principle that victory comes not only through military might but also through divine


These are the top 10 places to visit in Madina / Top 10 Madina Ziyarat. Hope It Will Benefit Everyone and You all like it 😀 1. Masjid Nabawi 2. Janatul Baqi 3. Uhud Mountain 4. Masjid Bilal 5. Masjid Quba 6. Masjid Qiblatain 7. Beer e Roha 8. Beer e Shifa 9. Badar 10. Khandaq


Top 3 Madina Ziyarat

Top 3 Madina Ziyarat are
1: Masjid An Nabaqi
2. Masjid Quba
3. Janatul Baqi

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